LIST OF DECISIONS - after General & Board Meetings (in chronological order)


1. Ten rounds with two minutes of action and one minute resting period, which belongs to the next round.

1. The acting Officials are: 1 (one)  referee and 3 (three) judges

1. The gloves (thumb attached type) for the contest will be of 8 ounces up to featherweights and 10 ounces from super-featherweights to the heavyweight division – PLEASE CONSULT THE EBU APPROVED LIST OF GLOVES

1. The only required protection is the one on the breast

1. As specified in the Women rankings, the weight categories are the same with the addition of the Super-flyweight, Light-flyweight and Straw-weight ones.

1. In addition to the required medical exams, there must be added: pregnancy test and pelvic echography (as indicated in the Women medical report)







1.1 The enclosure or ring shall consist of a square of a minimum of 5,5 metres and a maximum of 7,3 metres along each side – these distances being measured between the ropes.

1.2 The floor shall be solid and properly boarded and shall extend beyond the ropes to a minimum of 0.6 metres on all sides. The floor shall be covered with a thick and tight canvas under which there must be a piece of felt or any other similar material of a minimum thickness of 1.5 centimetres, and a maximum thickness of 2.5 centimetres, for the purpose of lessening the gravity of falls. The felt shall extend to all parts of the ring, including the external ring apron. The posts of the ropes, at the corners, and the tension rods to the corners shall be adequately protected by pads.

1.3 The enclosure or ring shall be surrounded by four rows of strong rope of a minimum diameter of 3 centimetres and a maximum of 5 centimetres, and wrapped with a soft smooth material, or any other similar material what will not hurt the fighters. These ropes shall be held 0.3 metres distant from the posts and shall be evenly spaced to a height of 1.3 metres from the floor. The four ropes on each side shall be connected vertically by flat tapes in two places one-third of the way along each side.

2.1 Gloves and bandages may be asked to conform to the model recognized by the EBU, once there are such recognized models, and shall be provided by the Promoter at his expense. 4 pairs of equal gloves must be submitted to the Supervisor at the weigh-in.

2.2 Gloves used in the European Championships x shall be of approved thumb attached type and shall weigh 8oz for the categories from flyweights to welterweights inclusive and 10oz in all other weight division. Laces shall be knotted at the back of the wrist.

2.3 As bandages any length of adhesive tape or soft gauze (bandage) may be used, the adhesive tape must not be placed  over the knuckles

2.4 Bandages must be put on in the dressing rooms under the supervision of  the  Supervisor or an authorized  local inspector who shall stamp   and  sign them.

2.5 Nothing shall be worn under the gloves save for the permitted tape and bandage. Tape may only be applied on top of the bandage and not direct on the boxer’s hands.

3.1 Boxers must box in Regulation dress and shall be of a generally neat appearance. Beards may be worn only with the Referee’s approval.

3.2All Boxers shall wear a protector underneath their trunks.

3.3 If the two boxers have the same colour of trousers, the champion has the priority to select the colour. In the event of vacant title, the decision shall be to the local Federation.

3.4 Boxing boots shall be supple, the soles smooth, with no nails or projections ; neither soles nor heels shall be hard.

3.5 If in the course of a round, a glove lace or shoe lace should become loose, it will  be tied under control of the Referee. While this is being done, the opponent Boxer must retire to a neutral corner.

3.6 Gloves shall be put on in the presence of the Referee or Supervisor.

3.7 Other than a reasonable amount of white vaseline (such amount being at the Referees discretion) no greasy substance is allowed either on the body or on the face. Subject to the provisions of Article 22 the applying of any other substance on any part of the Boxer’s body is absolutely forbidden.

3.8 Subject to art. 22.1.4 a Boxer shall wear a gumshield at all times when boxing.

4.1 Weights

Flyweight                            Mouche                Up to Kg. 50,802 = lbs 112

Bantamweight                 Coq                         Up to Kg. 53,525 = lbs 118

Super Bantamweight   Super Coq            Up to Kg. 55,338 = lbs 122

Featherweight                 Plume                    Up to Kg. 57,152 = lbs 126

Super Featherweight   Super Plume       Up to Kg. 58,967 = lbs 130

Lightweight                       Léger                     Up to Kg. 61,237 = lbs 135

Super Lightweight         Super Léger        Up to Kg. 63,503 = lsb 140

Welterweight                   Welter                   Up to Kg. 66,678 = lbs 147

Super Welterweight      Super Welter     Up to Kg. 69,853 = lbs 154

Middleweight                   Moyen                   Up to Kg. 72,574 = lbs 160

Super Middleweight      Super Moyen     Up to Kg. 76,205 = lbs 168

Light Heavyweight         Mi-lourd              Up to Kg. 79,378 = lbs 175

Cruiserweight                   Lourds  Légers  Up to Kg. 90,719 =  lbs 200

Heavyweight                     Lourd                     over Kg. 90,719 =over lbs 200

4.2.The boxer has to officially notify the EBU through his licensing Federation of the following pre-weigh-in:

– 15 days prior to the contest (he shall not weigh more than 7% over the limit of his division)

– 3 days prior to the contest (he shall not weigh more than 3 % over the limit of his division)

In the case the boxer is overpassing such limits, the local doctor of theFederation which controls the contest shall be heard in order to  recommend the Supervisor whether the contest can take place  or not.

4.3 Contests must be of 12 rounds of three minutes each round and the weigh-in shall take place 36-24 hours before the contest on scales certified as accurate not more than one hour before the weigh-in or as otherwise acceptable to the Supervisor. The time of such weigh-in shall be determined by the Promoter. The Challenger shall be weighed first. Boxers shall be weighed without wearing trunks. The weigh-in shall be conducted by the Supervisor.

4.4 A Boxer who does not make the relevant weight of the contest, has two hours within which to make the relevant weight. The Boxer may be re-weighed as often as he wishes within the two hours period. In such circumstances the Boxer shall remain under the Supervision of the EBU and shall not take a sauna. If a Boxer does not make the relevant weight within the two hours period specified, if both parties agree, the contest may take place and the following shall occur :

  (a) if it is the Champion who is overweight and he loses the contest then the Challenger shall be declared the Champion ;

(b) if it is the Champion who is overweight and he wins the contest then the title shall be declared vacant ;

(c) if the Challenger is overweight, the Champion shall retain his title irrespective of who wins or loses.

4.5 The exact weights of the Boxers will be announced in the ring immediately before the contest.

4.6 A Medical examination shall take place at the weigh-in at which the Doctor approved by the Affiliated National Association to conduct such medical examination shall satisfy himself that the Boxers are medically fit to box.

5.1 The number of Seconds shall not exceed four. For the purposes of this Article seconds include all the persons assisting a Boxer during the course of the contest.

5.2 Before each contest the Chief Second who shall be in charge in the Boxer’s corner must identify himself to the Referee. The Seconds must obey the orders of the Referee. During the rounds the Seconds must keep silent, they must not advise or help the Boxer that they are attending and neither must they enter the ring. Any infringement of this Article or any of the x  other Boxing Rules by his Seconds may bring about the deduction of points or  the disqualification of the Boxer.

5.3 A Chief Second who wishes to retire his Boxer during the course of a contest  should inform the referee accordingly (not throw a towel into the ring). He must not do this when the Boxer is on the canvas and the Referee is counting.

6.1 A Supervisor shall be appointed by the E.B.U. Council to officiate at each contest. The supervisor shall be a member of the E.B.U. Council or  named on any list of supervisors drawn up for this purpose by it . The EBU Council shall operate a rota system for the appointment of Supervisors.

6.2 The Supervisor shall :

6.2.1 Handle the contest pursuant to the supervisor’s check list distributed by the EBU Council – to be published and amended from time to time.

6.2.2 Brief and co-ordinate all the relevant officials prior to the contest.

6.2.3 Collect and keep the judges scores round by round during the contest.

6.2.4 Declare the result of the judges scores at the end of the contest to the approved ring announcer.

6.2.5 At the end of the contest make a report on the contest and provide a copy of the same to the General Secretary within 7 days.

6.2.6 Take general responsibility for the conduct of the contest and ensure to the best of his ability that those staging the contest have complied with all the rules and regulations of the EBU.

7.1 The Affiliated National Association shall appoint 2 inspectors who shall check both corners for the purpose of ensuring that EBU rules and regulations are complied with and liaising with the Supervisor where necessary.

8.1 The referee for each contest shall be appointed by the EBU and shall be charged with conducting the contest, always giving priority to care for the safety of the boxers.

8.2 Before the contest the Referee and the Supervisor together shall visit the two boxers and their Chief Seconds in their dressing rooms and give them any instructions or advice which they deem necessary for the proper conduct of the contest.

8.3 In the ring immediately before the contest the Referee shall call both Boxers to the centre for final instructions, will ask them to touch gloves and command them to start boxing immediately the bell has sounded. The Boxers will also touch gloves  immediately before the start of the final round.

8.4 The Referee may, with or without previous notice, disqualify one of the Boxers or both of them for any breach of these rules by the Boxers or their Seconds, or for any other action which as his complete discretion he shall consider irregular.

8.5 The Referee, with or without notice to the spectators, may declare “No decision” if he considers that the spectators are acting in a manner detrimental to the proper running of the contest.

8.6 The Referee may stop the contest if he considers that one of the Boxers is outclassed, or in no condition to continue the contest.

8.7 In the event of a “knock-down”, the Referee will immediately count aloud from “One” to “Ten”, at the rate of one per second x and in such a manner as may be heard by the Boxer lying on the canvas. A count shall also be made by the Timekeeper in a manner audible by and visible to the Referee. When the count “one” is uttered, one second shall have elapsed since the moment the Boxer was considered “down”.

8.8 The sound of the bell at the end of a round, including the last one, shall not interrupt a count of a fallen boxer. If the Boxer stays down for the count of ten he is declared “counted out”. If he is ready to continue to box, the bell having sounded, he must go to his corner, and the number of seconds the round has continued shall be deducted from the minute’s rest.

8.9 During the contest the Referee shall have complete discretion in the interpretation of these Rules or in settling any other matter.

8.10 The decision of the Referee is final and no appeal can be made against such decision.

9.1 The duties of the Timekeeper are to order the Seconds to leave the ring before the commencement of the bout, to indicate with the bell the beginning and the end of the rounds, and to indicate other than with the use of the bell when there are ten seconds and when there are five seconds remaining in the rest period between rounds. Under no circumstances shall the timekeeper deduct any time during a round unless instructed by the referee to do so.

9.2 The Timekeeper shall record the number of seconds that a Boxer is on the canvas, and indicate the count in seconds in such a way as is audible and visible to the Referee. In the case of “knock-down”, the duration of about one second must elapse between the moment when the Boxer in considered “down” and the moment the Timekeeper says the word “one”.

10.1 In a championship Contest two doctors qualified in resuscitation and respiration support shall be appointed by the Affiliated National Association to maintain a permanent position at the ringside. The senior of the two doctors appointed will be Chief Medical Officer and shall indicate his place to the Referee. He may be called by the Referee if advice is needed or any medical matter.

10.2 Either Doctor may intervene of their own volition during the minute rest between rounds to examine a Boxer in his corner and shall advise the Referee of any medical condition that could produce a serious danger to a Boxer and/or may advise the Referee that the contest should be stopped.

11.1 The result of a boxing contest may be one of the following :

11.1.1 victory on points (by a decision of at least the majority of the judges)

11.1.2 victory by K.O.

11.1.3 victory by retirement

11.1.4 victory by T.K.O. (referee stop contest)

11.1.5 victory by stoppage for injury

11.1.6 victory by disqualification

11.1.7 draw (by a decision of at least the majority of the judges or in case of 3 different decisions)

11.1.8 no decision

11.1.9 technical draw (if the contest has to be stopped before the end of the fourth round due to an injury following an accidental irregularity)

11.1.10 technical decision if the contest has to be stopped after the end of the fourth round due to an injury following to an accidental irregularity or owing to absolute necessity (i.e. serious damage of the ring, storm during open-air contest etc.)

12.1 Three Judges shall be appointed by the E.B.U. to each contest.

12.2 The three Judges shall keep scores of the contest round by round in accordance with the principles contained in Article 11, complete a score card with such scores and hand their score cards to the Referee who will then hand them to the Supervisor at the end of each round.

13.1 Marks will be awarded for “attack” – direct clean blows with the knuckle part of the glove of either hand to the opponent to any part of the front or sides of the head or body above the belt (the belt being an imaginary line across the body at the top of the hip bones) ; for “defence” – ducking, guarding, slipping, or getting away. Where the contestants are otherwise equal the majority of marks shall be awarded to the Boxer who shows the better “style”, “skill” and “efficiency” – successful movements of attack and defence.

13.2 Boxing contests should be scored as follows :

13.2.1 The three Judges will award a maximum of 10 marks at the end of each round to the better Boxer and will score the other Boxer accordingly. If the round is adjudged even, the Boxers shall be awarded ten points each. Wherever possible a round should not be scored even.

13.2.2 The actual scoring of the marks for each round shall be made immediately and in ink or with indelible pencil on x the score cards provided. No alterations or additions may be made to these scores.

13.3 The winner shall be the Boxer having the majority of the verdicts in his favour. In the event of a contest for a vacant title ending in a draw, a re-match will be ordered in which case the contest must be put out in short terms.

13.4 All score cards made up as indicated above shall be appended to the official report forwarded to the EBU by the Supervisor.

14.1 In all countries where boxing is governed by the EBU, only the following words of command, five in number, shall be used by the Referee during the course of the contests : (1) “Stop” (2) “Box” (3) “Break” (4) “Time” (5) “The name of the Boxer” (When using the name of a Boxer, it indicates that the Boxer has been at fault, e.g. foul blow, holding…etc.)

14.2 The Referee shall count in English.

15.1 This order should be given whenever :

15.1.1 The two Boxers are holding.

15.1.2 One of the Boxers holds and prevents the other from boxing.

15.1.3 When the two Boxers bodies are together and they are not boxing or are boxing but not doing their best.

15.2 Upon the order “break”, Boxers must separate immediately and clearly take a step back.

15.3 The separation of Boxers by force should be avoided wherever possible.

16.1 The referee, in case of an injury and – when necessary – in case of a foul, may consult with the ring doctor to determine if the contest should be stopped. All decisions are taken at the referee’s full discretion and in any case the referee is the only person authorized to stop the contest.

16.2 When an injury is caused by correct punches, and the injured boxer is unable to continue, he will be declared the loser, the referee having stopped the contest due to an injury.

16.3 When an injury is caused by an intentional foul, and the injured boxer is unable to continue, the offending boxer will lose by disqualification. If the injured boxer is able to continue, the offending boxer will receive a two points (2) deduction.

16.4 When a boxer is injured due to an unintentional foul the referee, at his discretion, shall have the power to order the deduction of a point from the uninjured boxer.

16.5 If the injury, caused by an unintentional foul, occurs before the bell signalling the end of the fourth (4th) round and the injured boxer is unable to continue, the contest, stopped by the referee, will be declared a technical draw.

16.6 If the injury, caused by an unintentional foul, occurs or the injury, which occurred in the first four rounds, is increased by correct punches after the bell signalling the end of the fourth (4th) round and the contest is stopped by the referee, the boxer who is ahead on the judges’ scorecards, including the round in which the contest is stopped, will be declared the winner by technical decision. The round in which the contest is stopped will be scored including all eventual deductions, even if it is a partial round.

16.7 If an injury has been produced by a foul is enlarged by another yet unintentional foul, and the injured boxer is unable to continue, the contest shall be stopped declaring decisions proceeding, as stated in art.16.6.

16.8 Except as provided below, there will be no disqualification for unintentional fouls to the body. The referee, at his discretion, shall order points deductions when appropriate for foul(s), and will provide the fouled boxer with reasonable time for recovery, but not more than five (5) minutes. However, if the referee, at his discretion, determines that it was an intentional foul and that the fouled boxer cannot continue, the offending boxer will be disqualified. If the referee, after having consulted with the ring doctor, determines the fouled boxer can continue but he does not continue the contest, he will lose by abandonment.

16.9 Unexpected events If a boxer is injured by any action by himself or by his cornermen during the contest and if the referee, after having consulted with the ring doctor, determines he is unable to continue, he will be declared the loser, the referee having stopped the contest due to an injury or, if he does not want to continue the contest, he will lose by abandonment. In the event that, at the discretion of the referee, it becomes impossible to continue the contest for reasons unrelated to the action taking place in the ring, such as power failure, ring destruction, accidents by power of nature or other unforeseen events, the contest shall be stopped declaring decision proceeding, as stated in art. 16.6.

17.1 A Boxer is to be considered “down” by the Referee :

17.1.1 When any part of his body other than his feet touches the floor.

17.1.2 When any part of his body touches the ropes of the ring, either to assist him or to help him to rise again.

17.1.3 If a contestant is knocked out of the ring or thrown to the floor accidentally. If he is not in a position to resume boxing within ten seconds as counted by the Referee, he will be declared “counted out”.

17.1.4 If a Boxer is knocked out of the ring and beyond the apron by a legitimate blow – the count shall be twenty seconds before the Boxer is counted out.

17.2 In the event of a knockdown the Referee must order the standing Boxer to a neutral corner and the Boxer must remain there until the Referee orders him to resume boxing. If such Boxer leaves the neutral corner before he is called to box, the Referee will interrupt the count and will not resume the count again until the boxer returns to the neutral corner. When the Referee interrupts and then resumes his count in accordance with the foregoing, he will commence at the same second where the count was stopped at the time of interruption.

17.3 If a contestant retires from a contest during the rest between two rounds, he will be declared the loser by retirement in the round that follows.

17.4 A “technical k.o.” will be declared by the Referee when one Boxer is outclassed.

17.5 In the event that a Boxer is knocked down or when the ropes prevent him going down the Referee will always effect a count of 8 with the help of the timekeeper as in Article 8.7 even if the x Boxer rises before the end of such count. If the Referee judges the Boxer rising from such count as in “a condition of danger”, the Referee shall stop the contest without having completed the count of “8”. In such case, the decision will be “referee stopped contest” “technical k.o.”. The stopping of a contest by a Referee on account of injury is not a “technical k.o.”.

17.6 In the case of a knock-down the Referee will count the seconds aloud according to the rate given by the Timekeeper, giving the visual indication of the count with his fingers, up to and including the tenth second. The “K.O.” decision is given by pronouncing “Ten Out” it being understood that the word “Out” shall immediately follow the word “Ten”.

17.7 The Referee is also authorised to stop a contest at any time.

17.8 The Boxer or his qualified Second can retire from a contest which has become one-sided.

18.1 In the case of a simultaneous “count-out” the decision announced will be “No Decision”

19.1 A correct blow is a blow delivered with the fist closed and with the knuckle part of the glove which covers the fingers. Such blow should land at any point on the front or sides either of the head or body above the belt (the belt being an imaginary line between the upper part of the body and the lower part beneath the ribs).

A Boxer must not :

20.1.1 Hit below the Belt.

20.1.2 Pretend to have been struck below the Belt. 20.1.3 Lean on his opponent or push him backward.

20.1.4 Push the head of his opponent backward with the open glove and hit with the other.

20.1.5 Hold a rope with his glove.

20.1.6 Hide behind his gloves to avoid boxing.

20.1.7 Strike his knocked down opponent when he is on the floor after having been down and is trying to get up.

20.1.8 Hold his opponent or deliberately prolong a clinch.

20.1.9 Hold his opponent with one hand and strike him with the other.

20.1.10 Hit with the shoulder, the head or make use of the knees.

20.1.11 Hit with the inside or lower part of the hand, the wrist or the elbow.

20.1.12 Hit or slap with the open glove.

20.1.13 Deliver a back-handed blow.

20.1.14 Hustle his opponent into the ropes.

20.1.15 Deliberately strike his opponent low.

20.1.16 Use the pivot-blow (i.e. throwing out the arm and fist while pivoting).

20.1.17 Insult his opponent, swear or use vile or improper language.

20.1.18 Duck below the belt of his opponent.

21.1 Boxers must always obey the orders of the Referee.

21.2 The Referee may make remarks to the Boxers during the course of a round without this being an indication of faults calling for a public warning. It is for the Referee to decide whether to give a Boxer a public warning or disqualify him.

21.3 A Boxer disqualified for any cause whatsoever may have the whole or a proportion of his Purse Money withheld at the Supervisor’s absolute discretion. In this case the Supervisor is entitled to cash purse money withheld and remit it to the General Secretary. After consideration of reports from the Referee, from the Supervisor and any EBU Council Member present, the EBU Council will decide upon the allocation of the withheld purse money in such manner as it shall in its absolute discretion think fit.


22.1 The use of any drug or other substance prohibited by the EBU howsoever administered, is strictly forbidden. The list of prohibited substances will always accord with the list of substances prohibited by the WADA. Cold water is the only permitted stimulant. The Chief Medical Officer appointed for the contest or the relevant National Federation shall supply adrenaline and if any other substance is used on or administered to a Boxer other than white vaseline the Boxer shall be disqualified. 

22.1.1 Mandatory drug test must be carried out after the contest under the discretion of the

Affiliated National Association. Any Boxer failing such test shall be subject to the penalties set out in the EBU Championship regulations and the results of all tests must be made known to the EBU within 15 days of the contest taking place.

22.1.2 Compulsory rest. Any Boxer defeated by a “count-out” caused by a blow to the head will not be authorised to box for a period of one month, and then shall be subject to further medical examination. In cases of injury the medical authorities of the Boxer’s Association will decide in any further period of suspension.

22.1.3 Haemostatic. The only haemostatic authorized is adrenaline 1/1000 and must be supplied by the Chief Medical Officer appointed for the contest or the relevant National Federation.

22.1.4 Gumshield. It is recommended that the gumshield ( the wearing of which is compulsory) is made by a qualified dentist and that both boxers have a second gumshield in their respective corners during the contest. If the gumshield falls from a Boxer’s mouth during a round it will be replaced immediately. Should the boxer spit out his gumshield intentionally he shall be warned by the Referee and if he repeats the act he shall have a point deducted.

22.1.5 All medical reports required by the EBU must be handed to the Affiliated National Association at least three days before the contest and they must be checked by the Supervisor.

22.2 Measures imposed on Referees. 

22.2.1 Referees should not under any circumstances allow a Boxer to be struck when he is unable to defend himself.

22.2.2 Referees should be medically examined every year. The visual standard required by Referees is

24/20 in each eye without glasses.

22.2.3 The Referees must comply with any medical recommendations of the EBU Medical Committee.

22.3 Withdrawal of Licences. If in the opinion of the Medical Officer or Officials in charge a Boxer shows evident signs of chronic celebral concussion during a contest, his licence will be withdrawn even if a medical examination does not reveal any sign of traumatic encephalopathy.

22.4 The lowest visual standards permitted are 5/10° in one eye and 1/10° in the other with normal visual field and myopia if it exists worse than 4 dioptries.

23.1 Any complaint that a Boxer may have relating to a contest must be lodged with the General Secretary within 7 days of the contest.


1.1 The enclosure or ring shall consist of a square of a minimum of 5,5 metres and a maximum of 7,3 metres along each side – these distances being measured between the ropes.

1.2 The floor shall be solid and properly boarded and shall extend beyond the ropes to a minimum of 0.6 metres on all sides. The floor shall be covered with a thick and tight canvas under which there must be a piece of felt or any other similar material of a minimum thickness of 1.5 centimetres, and a maximum thickness of 2.5 centimetres, for the purpose of lessening the gravity of falls. The felt shall extend to all parts of the ring, including the external ring apron. The posts of the ropes, at the corners, and the tension rods to the corners shall be adequately protected by pads.

1.3 The enclosure or ring shall be surrounded by four rows of strong rope of a minimum diameter of 3 centimetres and a maximum of 5 centimetres, and wrapped with a soft smooth material, or any other similar material what will not hurt the fighters. These ropes shall be held 0.3 metres distant from the posts and shall be evenly spaced to a height of 1.3 metres from the floor. The four ropes on each side shall be connected vertically by flat tapes in two places one-third of the way along each side.

2.1 Gloves and bandages may be asked to conform to the model recognized by the EBU, once there are such recognized models, and shall be provided by the Promoter at his expense. 4 pairs of equal gloves must be submitted to the Supervisor at the weigh-in.

2.2 Gloves used in the European Championships x shall be of approved thumb attached type and shall weigh 8oz for the categories from flyweights to welterweights inclusive and 10oz in all other weight division. Laces shall be knotted at the back of the wrist.

2.3 As bandages any length of adhesive tape or soft gauze (bandage) may be used, the adhesive tape must not be placed  over the knuckles

2.4 Bandages must be put on in the dressing rooms under the supervision of  the  Supervisor or an authorized  local inspector who shall stamp   and  sign them.

2.5 Nothing shall be worn under the gloves save for the permitted tape and bandage. Tape may only be applied on top of the bandage and not direct on the boxer’s hands.

3.1 Boxers must box in Regulation dress and shall be of a generally neat appearance. Beards may be worn only with the Referee’s approval.

3.2All Boxers shall wear a protector underneath their trunks.

3.3 If the two boxers have the same colour of trousers, the champion has the priority to select the colour. In the event of vacant title, the decision shall be to the local Federation.

3.4 Boxing boots shall be supple, the soles smooth, with no nails or projections ; neither soles nor heels shall be hard.

3.5 If in the course of a round, a glove lace or shoe lace should become loose, it will  be tied under control of the Referee. While this is being done, the opponent Boxer must retire to a neutral corner.

3.6 Gloves shall be put on in the presence of the Referee or Supervisor.

3.7 Other than a reasonable amount of white vaseline (such amount being at the Referees discretion) no greasy substance is allowed either on the body or on the face. Subject to the provisions of Article 22 the applying of any other substance on any part of the Boxer’s body is absolutely forbidden.

3.8 Subject to art. 22.1.4 a Boxer shall wear a gumshield at all times when boxing.

4.1 Weights

Flyweight                            Mouche                Up to Kg. 50,802 = lbs 112

Bantamweight                 Coq                         Up to Kg. 53,525 = lbs 118

Super Bantamweight   Super Coq            Up to Kg. 55,338 = lbs 122

Featherweight                 Plume                    Up to Kg. 57,152 = lbs 126

Super Featherweight   Super Plume       Up to Kg. 58,967 = lbs 130

Lightweight                       Léger                     Up to Kg. 61,237 = lbs 135

Super Lightweight         Super Léger        Up to Kg. 63,503 = lsb 140

Welterweight                   Welter                   Up to Kg. 66,678 = lbs 147

Super Welterweight      Super Welter     Up to Kg. 69,853 = lbs 154

Middleweight                   Moyen                   Up to Kg. 72,574 = lbs 160

Super Middleweight      Super Moyen     Up to Kg. 76,205 = lbs 168

Light Heavyweight         Mi-lourd              Up to Kg. 79,378 = lbs 175

Cruiserweight                   Lourds  Légers  Up to Kg. 90,719 =  lbs 200

Heavyweight                     Lourd                     over Kg. 90,719 =over lbs 200

4.2.The boxer has to officially notify the EBU through his licensing Federation of the following pre-weigh-in:

– 15 days prior to the contest (he shall not weigh more than 7% over the limit of his division)

– 3 days prior to the contest (he shall not weigh more than 3 % over the limit of his division)

In the case the boxer is overpassing such limits, the local doctor of theFederation which controls the contest shall be heard in order to  recommend the Supervisor whether the contest can take place  or not.

4.3 Contests must be of 12 rounds of three minutes each round and the weigh-in shall take place 36-24 hours before the contest on scales certified as accurate not more than one hour before the weigh-in or as otherwise acceptable to the Supervisor. The time of such weigh-in shall be determined by the Promoter. The Challenger shall be weighed first. Boxers shall be weighed without wearing trunks. The weigh-in shall be conducted by the Supervisor.

4.4 A Boxer who does not make the relevant weight of the contest, has two hours within which to make the relevant weight. The Boxer may be re-weighed as often as he wishes within the two hours period. In such circumstances the Boxer shall remain under the Supervision of the EBU and shall not take a sauna. If a Boxer does not make the relevant weight within the two hours period specified, if both parties agree, the contest may take place and the following shall occur :

  (a) if it is the Champion who is overweight and he loses the contest then the Challenger shall be declared the Champion ;

(b) if it is the Champion who is overweight and he wins the contest then the title shall be declared vacant ;

(c) if the Challenger is overweight, the Champion shall retain his title irrespective of who wins or loses.

4.5 The exact weights of the Boxers will be announced in the ring immediately before the contest.

4.6 A Medical examination shall take place at the weigh-in at which the Doctor approved by the Affiliated National Association to conduct such medical examination shall satisfy himself that the Boxers are medically fit to box.

5.1 The number of Seconds shall not exceed four. For the purposes of this Article seconds include all the persons assisting a Boxer during the course of the contest.

5.2 Before each contest the Chief Second who shall be in charge in the Boxer’s corner must identify himself to the Referee. The Seconds must obey the orders of the Referee. During the rounds the Seconds must keep silent, they must not advise or help the Boxer that they are attending and neither must they enter the ring. Any infringement of this Article or any of the x  other Boxing Rules by his Seconds may bring about the deduction of points or  the disqualification of the Boxer.

5.3 A Chief Second who wishes to retire his Boxer during the course of a contest  should inform the referee accordingly (not throw a towel into the ring). He must not do this when the Boxer is on the canvas and the Referee is counting.

6.1 A Supervisor shall be appointed by the E.B.U. Council to officiate at each contest. The supervisor shall be a member of the E.B.U. Council or  named on any list of supervisors drawn up for this purpose by it . The EBU Council shall operate a rota system for the appointment of Supervisors.

6.2 The Supervisor shall :

6.2.1 Handle the contest pursuant to the supervisor’s check list distributed by the EBU Council – to be published and amended from time to time.

6.2.2 Brief and co-ordinate all the relevant officials prior to the contest.

6.2.3 Collect and keep the judges scores round by round during the contest.

6.2.4 Declare the result of the judges scores at the end of the contest to the approved ring announcer.

6.2.5 At the end of the contest make a report on the contest and provide a copy of the same to the General Secretary within 7 days.

6.2.6 Take general responsibility for the conduct of the contest and ensure to the best of his ability that those staging the contest have complied with all the rules and regulations of the EBU.

7.1 The Affiliated National Association shall appoint 2 inspectors who shall check both corners for the purpose of ensuring that EBU rules and regulations are complied with and liaising with the Supervisor where necessary.

8.1 The referee for each contest shall be appointed by the EBU and shall be charged with conducting the contest, always giving priority to care for the safety of the boxers.

8.2 Before the contest the Referee and the Supervisor together shall visit the two boxers and their Chief Seconds in their dressing rooms and give them any instructions or advice which they deem necessary for the proper conduct of the contest.

8.3 In the ring immediately before the contest the Referee shall call both Boxers to the centre for final instructions, will ask them to touch gloves and command them to start boxing immediately the bell has sounded. The Boxers will also touch gloves  immediately before the start of the final round.

8.4 The Referee may, with or without previous notice, disqualify one of the Boxers or both of them for any breach of these rules by the Boxers or their Seconds, or for any other action which as his complete discretion he shall consider irregular.

8.5 The Referee, with or without notice to the spectators, may declare “No decision” if he considers that the spectators are acting in a manner detrimental to the proper running of the contest.

8.6 The Referee may stop the contest if he considers that one of the Boxers is outclassed, or in no condition to continue the contest.

8.7 In the event of a “knock-down”, the Referee will immediately count aloud from “One” to “Ten”, at the rate of one per second x and in such a manner as may be heard by the Boxer lying on the canvas. A count shall also be made by the Timekeeper in a manner audible by and visible to the Referee. When the count “one” is uttered, one second shall have elapsed since the moment the Boxer was considered “down”.

8.8 The sound of the bell at the end of a round, including the last one, shall not interrupt a count of a fallen boxer. If the Boxer stays down for the count of ten he is declared “counted out”. If he is ready to continue to box, the bell having sounded, he must go to his corner, and the number of seconds the round has continued shall be deducted from the minute’s rest.

8.9 During the contest the Referee shall have complete discretion in the interpretation of these Rules or in settling any other matter.

8.10 The decision of the Referee is final and no appeal can be made against such decision.

9.1 The duties of the Timekeeper are to order the Seconds to leave the ring before the commencement of the bout, to indicate with the bell the beginning and the end of the rounds, and to indicate other than with the use of the bell when there are ten seconds and when there are five seconds remaining in the rest period between rounds. Under no circumstances shall the timekeeper deduct any time during a round unless instructed by the referee to do so.

9.2 The Timekeeper shall record the number of seconds that a Boxer is on the canvas, and indicate the count in seconds in such a way as is audible and visible to the Referee. In the case of “knock-down”, the duration of about one second must elapse between the moment when the Boxer in considered “down” and the moment the Timekeeper says the word “one”.

10.1 In a championship Contest two doctors qualified in resuscitation and respiration support shall be appointed by the Affiliated National Association to maintain a permanent position at the ringside. The senior of the two doctors appointed will be Chief Medical Officer and shall indicate his place to the Referee. He may be called by the Referee if advice is needed or any medical matter.

10.2 Either Doctor may intervene of their own volition during the minute rest between rounds to examine a Boxer in his corner and shall advise the Referee of any medical condition that could produce a serious danger to a Boxer and/or may advise the Referee that the contest should be stopped.

11.1 The result of a boxing contest may be one of the following :

11.1.1 victory on points (by a decision of at least the majority of the judges)

11.1.2 victory by K.O.

11.1.3 victory by retirement

11.1.4 victory by T.K.O. (referee stop contest)

11.1.5 victory by stoppage for injury

11.1.6 victory by disqualification

11.1.7 draw (by a decision of at least the majority of the judges or in case of 3 different decisions)

11.1.8 no decision

11.1.9 technical draw (if the contest has to be stopped before the end of the fourth round due to an injury following an accidental irregularity)

11.1.10 technical decision if the contest has to be stopped after the end of the fourth round due to an injury following to an accidental irregularity or owing to absolute necessity (i.e. serious damage of the ring, storm during open-air contest etc.)

12.1 Three Judges shall be appointed by the E.B.U. to each contest.

12.2 The three Judges shall keep scores of the contest round by round in accordance with the principles contained in Article 11, complete a score card with such scores and hand their score cards to the Referee who will then hand them to the Supervisor at the end of each round.

13.1 Marks will be awarded for “attack” – direct clean blows with the knuckle part of the glove of either hand to the opponent to any part of the front or sides of the head or body above the belt (the belt being an imaginary line across the body at the top of the hip bones) ; for “defence” – ducking, guarding, slipping, or getting away. Where the contestants are otherwise equal the majority of marks shall be awarded to the Boxer who shows the better “style”, “skill” and “efficiency” – successful movements of attack and defence.

13.2 Boxing contests should be scored as follows :

13.2.1 The three Judges will award a maximum of 10 marks at the end of each round to the better Boxer and will score the other Boxer accordingly. If the round is adjudged even, the Boxers shall be awarded ten points each. Wherever possible a round should not be scored even.

13.2.2 The actual scoring of the marks for each round shall be made immediately and in ink or with indelible pencil on x the score cards provided. No alterations or additions may be made to these scores.

13.3 The winner shall be the Boxer having the majority of the verdicts in his favour. In the event of a contest for a vacant title ending in a draw, a re-match will be ordered in which case the contest must be put out in short terms.

13.4 All score cards made up as indicated above shall be appended to the official report forwarded to the EBU by the Supervisor.

14.1 In all countries where boxing is governed by the EBU, only the following words of command, five in number, shall be used by the Referee during the course of the contests : (1) “Stop” (2) “Box” (3) “Break” (4) “Time” (5) “The name of the Boxer” (When using the name of a Boxer, it indicates that the Boxer has been at fault, e.g. foul blow, holding…etc.)

14.2 The Referee shall count in English.

15.1 This order should be given whenever :

15.1.1 The two Boxers are holding.

15.1.2 One of the Boxers holds and prevents the other from boxing.

15.1.3 When the two Boxers bodies are together and they are not boxing or are boxing but not doing their best.

15.2 Upon the order “break”, Boxers must separate immediately and clearly take a step back.

15.3 The separation of Boxers by force should be avoided wherever possible.

16.1 The referee, in case of an injury and – when necessary – in case of a foul, may consult with the ring doctor to determine if the contest should be stopped. All decisions are taken at the referee’s full discretion and in any case the referee is the only person authorized to stop the contest.

16.2 When an injury is caused by correct punches, and the injured boxer is unable to continue, he will be declared the loser, the referee having stopped the contest due to an injury.

16.3 When an injury is caused by an intentional foul, and the injured boxer is unable to continue, the offending boxer will lose by disqualification. If the injured boxer is able to continue, the offending boxer will receive a two points (2) deduction.

16.4 When a boxer is injured due to an unintentional foul the referee, at his discretion, shall have the power to order the deduction of a point from the uninjured boxer.

16.5 If the injury, caused by an unintentional foul, occurs before the bell signalling the end of the fourth (4th) round and the injured boxer is unable to continue, the contest, stopped by the referee, will be declared a technical draw.

16.6 If the injury, caused by an unintentional foul, occurs or the injury, which occurred in the first four rounds, is increased by correct punches after the bell signalling the end of the fourth (4th) round and the contest is stopped by the referee, the boxer who is ahead on the judges’ scorecards, including the round in which the contest is stopped, will be declared the winner by technical decision. The round in which the contest is stopped will be scored including all eventual deductions, even if it is a partial round.

16.7 If an injury has been produced by a foul is enlarged by another yet unintentional foul, and the injured boxer is unable to continue, the contest shall be stopped declaring decisions proceeding, as stated in art.16.6.

16.8 Except as provided below, there will be no disqualification for unintentional fouls to the body. The referee, at his discretion, shall order points deductions when appropriate for foul(s), and will provide the fouled boxer with reasonable time for recovery, but not more than five (5) minutes. However, if the referee, at his discretion, determines that it was an intentional foul and that the fouled boxer cannot continue, the offending boxer will be disqualified. If the referee, after having consulted with the ring doctor, determines the fouled boxer can continue but he does not continue the contest, he will lose by abandonment.

16.9 Unexpected events If a boxer is injured by any action by himself or by his cornermen during the contest and if the referee, after having consulted with the ring doctor, determines he is unable to continue, he will be declared the loser, the referee having stopped the contest due to an injury or, if he does not want to continue the contest, he will lose by abandonment. In the event that, at the discretion of the referee, it becomes impossible to continue the contest for reasons unrelated to the action taking place in the ring, such as power failure, ring destruction, accidents by power of nature or other unforeseen events, the contest shall be stopped declaring decision proceeding, as stated in art. 16.6.

17.1 A Boxer is to be considered “down” by the Referee :

17.1.1 When any part of his body other than his feet touches the floor.

17.1.2 When any part of his body touches the ropes of the ring, either to assist him or to help him to rise again.

17.1.3 If a contestant is knocked out of the ring or thrown to the floor accidentally. If he is not in a position to resume boxing within ten seconds as counted by the Referee, he will be declared “counted out”.

17.1.4 If a Boxer is knocked out of the ring and beyond the apron by a legitimate blow – the count shall be twenty seconds before the Boxer is counted out.

17.2 In the event of a knockdown the Referee must order the standing Boxer to a neutral corner and the Boxer must remain there until the Referee orders him to resume boxing. If such Boxer leaves the neutral corner before he is called to box, the Referee will interrupt the count and will not resume the count again until the boxer returns to the neutral corner. When the Referee interrupts and then resumes his count in accordance with the foregoing, he will commence at the same second where the count was stopped at the time of interruption.

17.3 If a contestant retires from a contest during the rest between two rounds, he will be declared the loser by retirement in the round that follows.

17.4 A “technical k.o.” will be declared by the Referee when one Boxer is outclassed.

17.5 In the event that a Boxer is knocked down or when the ropes prevent him going down the Referee will always effect a count of 8 with the help of the timekeeper as in Article 8.7 even if the x Boxer rises before the end of such count. If the Referee judges the Boxer rising from such count as in “a condition of danger”, the Referee shall stop the contest without having completed the count of “8”. In such case, the decision will be “referee stopped contest” “technical k.o.”. The stopping of a contest by a Referee on account of injury is not a “technical k.o.”.

17.6 In the case of a knock-down the Referee will count the seconds aloud according to the rate given by the Timekeeper, giving the visual indication of the count with his fingers, up to and including the tenth second. The “K.O.” decision is given by pronouncing “Ten Out” it being understood that the word “Out” shall immediately follow the word “Ten”.

17.7 The Referee is also authorised to stop a contest at any time.

17.8 The Boxer or his qualified Second can retire from a contest which has become one-sided.

18.1 In the case of a simultaneous “count-out” the decision announced will be “No Decision”

19.1 A correct blow is a blow delivered with the fist closed and with the knuckle part of the glove which covers the fingers. Such blow should land at any point on the front or sides either of the head or body above the belt (the belt being an imaginary line between the upper part of the body and the lower part beneath the ribs).

A Boxer must not :

20.1.1 Hit below the Belt.

20.1.2 Pretend to have been struck below the Belt. 20.1.3 Lean on his opponent or push him backward.

20.1.4 Push the head of his opponent backward with the open glove and hit with the other.

20.1.5 Hold a rope with his glove.

20.1.6 Hide behind his gloves to avoid boxing.

20.1.7 Strike his knocked down opponent when he is on the floor after having been down and is trying to get up.

20.1.8 Hold his opponent or deliberately prolong a clinch.

20.1.9 Hold his opponent with one hand and strike him with the other.

20.1.10 Hit with the shoulder, the head or make use of the knees.

20.1.11 Hit with the inside or lower part of the hand, the wrist or the elbow.

20.1.12 Hit or slap with the open glove.

20.1.13 Deliver a back-handed blow.

20.1.14 Hustle his opponent into the ropes.

20.1.15 Deliberately strike his opponent low.

20.1.16 Use the pivot-blow (i.e. throwing out the arm and fist while pivoting).

20.1.17 Insult his opponent, swear or use vile or improper language.

20.1.18 Duck below the belt of his opponent.

21.1 Boxers must always obey the orders of the Referee.

21.2 The Referee may make remarks to the Boxers during the course of a round without this being an indication of faults calling for a public warning. It is for the Referee to decide whether to give a Boxer a public warning or disqualify him.

21.3 A Boxer disqualified for any cause whatsoever may have the whole or a proportion of his Purse Money withheld at the Supervisor’s absolute discretion. In this case the Supervisor is entitled to cash purse money withheld and remit it to the General Secretary. After consideration of reports from the Referee, from the Supervisor and any EBU Council Member present, the EBU Council will decide upon the allocation of the withheld purse money in such manner as it shall in its absolute discretion think fit.

22.1 The use of any drug or other substance prohibited by the EBU howsoever administered, is strictly forbidden. The list of prohibited substances will always accord with the list of substances prohibited by the WADA. Cold water is the only permitted stimulant. The Chief Medical Officer appointed for the contest or the relevant National Federation shall supply adrenaline and if any other substance is used on or administered to a Boxer other than white vaseline the Boxer shall be disqualified. 

22.1.1 Mandatory drug test must be carried out after the contest under the discretion of the

Affiliated National Association. Any Boxer failing such test shall be subject to the penalties set out in the EBU Championship regulations and the results of all tests must be made known to the EBU within 15 days of the contest taking place.

22.1.2 Compulsory rest. Any Boxer defeated by a “count-out” caused by a blow to the head will not be authorised to box for a period of one month, and then shall be subject to further medical examination. In cases of injury the medical authorities of the Boxer’s Association will decide in any further period of suspension.

22.1.3 Haemostatic. The only haemostatic authorized is adrenaline 1/1000 and must be supplied by the Chief Medical Officer appointed for the contest or the relevant National Federation.

22.1.4 Gumshield. It is recommended that the gumshield ( the wearing of which is compulsory) is made by a qualified dentist and that both boxers have a second gumshield in their respective corners during the contest. If the gumshield falls from a Boxer’s mouth during a round it will be replaced immediately. Should the boxer spit out his gumshield intentionally he shall be warned by the Referee and if he repeats the act he shall have a point deducted.

22.1.5 All medical reports required by the EBU must be handed to the Affiliated National Association at least three days before the contest and they must be checked by the Supervisor.

22.2 Measures imposed on Referees. 

22.2.1 Referees should not under any circumstances allow a Boxer to be struck when he is unable to defend himself.

22.2.2 Referees should be medically examined every year. The visual standard required by Referees is

24/20 in each eye without glasses.

22.2.3 The Referees must comply with any medical recommendations of the EBU Medical Committee.

22.3 Withdrawal of Licences. If in the opinion of the Medical Officer or Officials in charge a Boxer shows evident signs of chronic celebral concussion during a contest, his licence will be withdrawn even if a medical examination does not reveal any sign of traumatic encephalopathy.

22.4 The lowest visual standards permitted are 5/10° in one eye and 1/10° in the other with normal visual field and myopia if it exists worse than 4 dioptries.

23.1 Any complaint that a Boxer may have relating to a contest must be lodged with the General Secretary within 7 days of the contest.


No belt; no watch; no jewelry on hands, wrist or neck; no eyeglasses; nails cut short; boxing shoes with rubber anti-slipping soles; a towel on the neutral corner post

Must be well groomed

Extreme concern for the safety of the boxer.
Strict enforcement of the contest rules.
Move smoothly and efficiently in the ring.
100% concentration.
Use only basic boxing language. Don’t use other words.
Use basic signals.

Not one language is understood or heard by all boxers:

  • Box:  Command boxers to box.
  • Break:  Command boxers to break their clinch.
  • Stop:  Order to immediately and absolutely stop action.
  • Time  out:  Referee stops action and time watch

The use of signals for initiating and finishing rounds, terminating fights, to timekeepers and doctors; fouls.

Specific instructions must be given to boxers based  on basic language and basic signals, as well as warnings specifically on: a) no head butts; b) no rabbit punches; c) no kidney punches; d) not hitting below the belt, as well as when they finish during rest periods. STOP FIGHT when the doctor advises to.

Stay away, circling around when boxers are not close to the ropes.

Stay close when they are boxing at the ropes.

Stay very close when the action is in the corners.

Use only basic language and signals.

Do not talk to boxers.

Do not crowd them; Let them fight.

Wait until the cessation of the action that created the loss of a mouthpiece to stop the action to replace it.

A head butt, intentional or non-intentional should be called immediately; in case of an intentional head butt there is a mandatory deduction of two points.


Don’t rush; order or direct the standing boxer to the furthest neutral  corner, take the count from the timekeeper and count out loud showing the count with your fingers to the downed boxer.

If he gets up give him the mandatory 8 count and ask him questions that make him think or use signals to make him walk forward, etc.

Do not hesitate to stop the fight if you have doubts; it’s better to stop a fight one punch before than one punch after.

Hold the boxer and take him to his seconds.

If he goes down with a concussion, don’t hesitate to remove his mouthpiece at once and turn him partially on his left side.

You are the boss, show your authority and, remember, the health and the life of the boxer might be in your hands; safety has no compromise.



Commitment: Absolute impartiality. The winner in the ring must be    the winner on the score cards, regardless of nationality, race or location of bout.

Mental Awareness: 100% concentration on the fight from bell to bell; no distractions, whatsoever.

Personal standing: Be relaxed and self confident; well groomed; maintain low profile; seclude yourself from outside company; maintain a professional demeanor at all times.

Uniform:  Black suit, white shirt, black bow tie, EBU Badge, and black shoes.

  • A. 70%: Effective aggressiveness is the most important factor for winning a round. The scoring of clean punches with power, number and accuracy, whether moving forward, backwards, boxing sideways against the ropes or counter punching.
  • B. 20%: Ring Generalship: If an advantage is not found in “A”, whoever dominates the round with boxing skills to control the action and does not allow his rival to perform.
  • C. 10%: Pure aggressiveness. If in doubt at the end of the round, it must be scored in favor of the aggressor, the one who goes decidedly after his rival, who forces the action to win the round, against a boxer who only runs away and does not stop to fight.

Based on absolute concentration, put your mental count to work at even, or 10-10, at the sound of the bell to start a round; have your mind compute instantaneously the actions defining a slight or clear advantage for one of the fighters, while mentally modifying or adjusting instantaneously the count of such advantage according to the scoring of punches, during the whole 3 minutes. If one of the boxers had total domination and hurt his rival during the action in the round, such advantage shall be considered to be total or absolute. If you could not find a winner and you have no domination for either boxer, it shall be definitely even.

  • 10-10Couldn’t pick a winner.
  • 10-9Slight or close advantage.
  • 10-9Clear or definite advantage.
  • 10-9When both boxers are knocked down, but one of them wins clearly the actions in the round.
  • 10-8Advantage and one knock down.
  • 10-8Total domination or a beating by one of the boxers during the duration of the round, even when there is no knock down.
  • 10-7Advantage and two knock downs.
  • 10-6Advantage and more than two knock downs, but  never lower.

Knock downs and point deductions must be scored at the exclusive discretion of the referee, even if you do not agree.

Do not keep separate score cards.

Each round is a fight. Don’t look back/Don’t look ahead.

Be ready to advise the referee if consulted on head butts.

Do not talk to the press without first receiving authorization from the commission and/or the EBU Supervisor.

Do not publicly criticize your colleagues.

Train yourself; practice continuously based on guidelines.

Accept and look for positive criticism.

Score your round; referee’s deductions noted separately in the fouls box, let the commissioner do the calculations.

And always remember, justice in boxing is in your hands.



Via Topino, 37
00199 Roma (RM) IT


Via Topino, 37
00199 Roma (RM) IT